Yamaha aanwezig op EICMA 2021

Yamaha heeft zonet aangekondigd dat het merk aanwezig zal zijn op de EICMA motorbeurs in Milaan. De EICMA is ’s werelds grootste en belangrijkste motorbeurs die net zoals alle andere beurzen flink onder druk kwam te staan door de coronacrisis.

De EICMA gaat door van 23 tot 28 November (zoals gewoonlijk in de FieraMilano te Milaan) en hoewel verschillende merken al aangaven van niet meer aanwezig te zullen zijn op beurzen, geeft Yamaha nu een belangrijk tegensignaal. Het merk wil uiteraard alle aandacht geven aan preventiemaatregelen om de verspreiding van Covid-19 tegen te gaan, maar benadrukt ook dat de EICMA een uniek moment kan blijven binnen de hele motorgemeenschap.

Aanwezigheid op de EICMA is voor Yamaha dan ook een belangrijke stap in de terugkeer naar ‘normaal’. We zijn bij MaxxMoto alvast benieuwd naar de reacties van de andere merken…


Yamaha Will Participate in 2021 EICMA Motorcycle Show

Yamaha Motor Europe announces that it will take part in the 2021 edition of the EICMA show which will be held from 23rd to 28th November. 

Yamaha Motor Europe has made this decision thanks to the positive progression of the international and national vaccination programs and the steady easing of the restrictive measures against COVID-19 in Europe and Italy in particular. The expectation is that by the end of November visiting large exhibitions will be possible again. Preventive safety measures to contain COVID-19 will still be implemented, in cooperation with the EICMA organization, to secure a pleasant and safe visit to the show. In that respect, the size of the Yamaha stand will be enlarged in comparison to 2019 to allow visitors more personal space. 

Eric de Seynes, President and CEO of Yamaha Motor Europe N.V., affirms: “The decision to attend EICMA was not an easy one to make for obvious reasons. However, after having observed the trend related to the evolution of COVID-19 and being reassured by the EICMA organization that we can provide a safe environment for all visitors, while allowing them to experience the event to the full, we believe it is the right decision to support the return of such an event. With arguably the largest international reach, EICMA has great significance for our industry, being a unique moment and place where the motorcycle community can come together to feel the reaction from media and customers to the new products, keeping the connection with them alive and providing inspiration towards future trends. While we have yet to return to what most of us consider normality, this year’s event provides the first opportunity for enthusiasts to come together and be connected again physically, rather than virtually.” 

We hope to see you at the Yamaha stand in November.

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